National Autodesk Certification Preparation Support
As you prepare and before you take the Autodesk National Certification Exam(s) give us a call and let us pre-test and advise you on your strengths and weaknesses. More-and-more the CAD industry is looking to the credentials of CAD Designers to see if they possess National Examination credentials. Whether you're a single designer or would like to evaluate your entire CAD Design staff as to their skill level, give us a call and let us walk-you-through it.
We have drawing and written question Test Banks. We offer online testing methods, using both pre-drafted exams, written, and to-be-drafted preparation exams.
As we evaluate and guide you along the way you will feel more confident in your readiness to seat for the Autodesk National Certification Exam.
To schedule an appointment or find out more about the services we offer, please call 815 942-2342, 815-931-5900, or send us an email.
Or use our contact form.
We are excited to announce that we have contracted with Clifton Schnarr of Point-To-Point CAD Services, and the Roberts-Fink Group for BIM modeling support and servicing of our BIM clients. Clifton makes a great addition to our team!
Read all news and events.